Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Ordinary is Extraordinary

While traveling in Tokyo, my friend Chiharu took me to a huge market that sold all kinds of food, but what caught my eye was some packaged octopi. I thought they would make a great photo and began snapping away. Chiharu thought it was weird and asked me why I was taking pictures.
I explained to her that I'd never seen packaged octopus like that in any American grocery stores.

Later in her apartment I was looking through a photo album from her California vacation. Amongst the typical scenic shots was a picture of a frying pan with sausage and eggs in it. Not even realizing I was doing the same thing she did earlier, I asked why she would take a photo of eggs and sausages. And she explained to me that it was exotic to her! It literally hadn't crossed my mind that something so completely ordinary to me could be so exotic to someone else.

Continuing to flip through the album, I saw a picture of her holding up a gallon of milk in a grocery store. So I said, "Ok, I know you have milk here, so why did you take this picture?" And she said, "because it's SO BIG!"

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