Sunday, September 26, 2010

Flushing and Blushing

I was using a restaurant bathroom in Nara, Japan and the toilet had one of those high-tech keypads attached to it. It must have had 50 buttons on it that did everything from warm the seat to splash your cheeks (yes, there was an image of a butt getting water-blasted on it). But for the life of me, I couldn't figure out how to flush the toilet. I tried a number of different buttons, but the closest I could find was one that simulated the flushing noise, but did not actually flush the toilet. Complicating matters, a woman was standing outside of my stall waiting for me to finish. I didn't know what to do. Should I walk out and leave her to my unflushed toilet? She would think I was some sort of pig. I kept trying buttons, to no avail. I hoped she would just leave, but she didn't. Finally, I had to open the stall door. I apologized profusely and tried to explain (in my best pantomime) that I couldn't find the right button to flush the toilet. She nodded, walked past me to the back of the toilet and pushed down on the metal lever. The flusher was exactly the same as American toilets! I had been so distracted by the computerized keypad that it never dawned on me to check for a manual lever.

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