Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Journey of a Thousand Blog Posts Starts with a Single Word

Here I go. I’m about to take one of the scariest and most unpredictable journeys of my life. I’m starting a blog. Of the many topics and ideas I’ve had over the years (none of which have made it outside of my head) I decided to focus on travel, well, because it’s something I love. And if this is actually going to get off the ground, so to speak, it’s going to have to be about something I love. But I’ve struggled with the question of why - why do I love it so much, and is that selfish of me? With so much suffering in the world, so many people in need, isn’t it a bit self centered that I want to spend all of my free time and money on something as self-serving as travel? Maybe. But when I think about all my travel experiences, I think they have been much more than a snapshot of a famous monument or a tour of a historic site. For me, travel has been about two things: individual freedom and human connectivity.

When I set forth on a trip, I leave my home, my job, my possessions, and my problems, behind me. This is not to say they won’t be there when I get back, or even pop up along the way, but in the act of stepping out into worlds unknown, I leave my static, defined persona behind, and open myself up to a new way of being. I have explored the confusion of my sexuality from the comforts of European train cars, and experienced the liberation of knowing that everything I need to get through the day can be carried on my back. Free from being bogged down in the constraints of daily life and responsibilities, I have explored the world both inner and outer, looking for and understanding of my place in it. I began as a novice just interested in seeing sights, but it has evolved into something much deeper. In every place I’ve been, what always stands out first and foremost in my mind, are the people I have met and the connections I have made. Despite our varying backgrounds, I have found that our commonality is much stronger than our diversity.

I have been thinking about this blog for months, and find it ironic that it’s finally ready to launch today, September 11th. I considered waiting until tomorrow, but then I thought that starting it today is actually quite fitting, because a theme that I hope will emerge from this is “world peace through travel.” The idea is that by getting outside of our comfort zone and learning about cultures and connecting with people so seemingly different from ourselves, we will forge bonds and change our minds. Instead of "us" and "them," it becomes "we".

At the bottom of this blog, I have the word “peace” written in all the languages of the places I have visited. With each new trip, I will add a new translation. Perhaps the best way to sum this up is not with words, but with this most-inspiring video by Matt Harding, one of my personal favorites:

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